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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Lollipop Making 101

What a SWEET activity!!

Tonight we met over at Sister Ross's (we'll miss you Sister Ross!!  She will be moving at the end of this month... But all of us will be in wonderful hands with Sister Clemente - who was just called to serve as the Counselor over the Beehives!)

What a fun time we had as we learned, step by step, how to make suckers!  Here is the recipe if any of you would like to have a copy:

Hard Suckers

1 c. sugar
1/2 c. water
1/3 c. corn syrup
1/4 tsp. oil flavor
Food coloring

Combine sugar, water and corn syrup.  Stir constantly until it starts to boil.  Stop stirring and let it cook to hard crack (300°F.). 

 Remove from heat. Add flavoring and food coloring. Stir and pour into greased sucker molds arranged on a greased cookie sheet or a marble slab.
Makes 10 suckers
I loved how you guys decided to make the Apple Flavored ones Purple!  and the Cherry flavored ones Yellow!  Don't forget how the Green ones were Cinnamon flavored and the Pink ones were Peppermint!  Your mind definitely gets thrown for a loop when you pick up a purple lollipop (expecting it to be grape!) and it turns out to be apple!

While we waited for the ingredients to boil long enough (and reach the right temp) the girls went through magazines looking for things that would represent their "vision" of themselves in the future.  It could represent their style, home life, children, and even pets and room decor!  It was really fun seeing what you girls chose as your VISION!  I'm so  glad that everyone was able to make it!  It really makes my heart so happy when we all come together and do fun activities each week!  Enjoy the rest of your week and remember that you are a precious daughter of God!
Rachael putting in the dry ingredients
Yummy Corn Syrup!
How we decided which colors to put with which flavors
stirring the candy ingredients
Working on our "Vision" for our future selves
Yay!  It finally started to boil!!
Rachael   Avery   and    Cami going through the magazines
Inserting the sticks into the suckers
Why, that's a mighty unusual mustache...

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