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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Switched due to Snow

Since our first big snowfall of the season decided to hit us on Wednesday (hooray for snow!) we decided it best to switch our BOUNCE! week with what was planned for the following week.  The Beehives all met over at the Beath's home (Thank you, Beaths!) where they watched the movie - Tangled.  Although, from my understanding, not much watching was going on but LOTS of chatting and laughing and having fun with one another did! :)  The Mia Maids, met over at Sister Vogt's for a movie night as well.  However, theirs was more of a serious movie - 17 Miracles which depicts the true stories of the Willie Handcart Company and the struggles they faces as they crossed the plains to the Salt Lake Valley.  If any of you are interested in viewing this movie, it is available on YouTube (I've attached it below)
This year for Trek (which is going to be June 7-9th) the youth of our Stake will be pulling handcarts (roughly 7 miles a day!) in honoring the Pioneers that sacrificed so much for us and so this movie was a great way to introduce what they really endured and how the Lord had not forgotten them!

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