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Wednesday, March 30, 2011


WARNING: do not look at these pictures if you're hungry.... especially if you tend to crave sugar when you're hungry!
Ok, so now that you've been officially warned, we can get on with the update of our Mutual Activity this week!  We started off the evening by going around the room and answering questions in hopes of "earning" a cake, frosting and various toppings.  It was so heart warming to hear how so many of you love your hair and your eyes (and your calves, in Sister Seeley's case ;)  We loved hearing about your aspirations for the future and smiled as you told about positive qualities about each other!  You are all simply the best!!  After we earned the goodies, we headed into the kitchen and let our creative side loose!  Thank you all for coming!!  Enjoy the rest of your Spring Break and don't forget to join us on Saturday at 1pm at Sister Seeley's for Conference!  Bring a munchie to share and your journal for taking notes!!  See you then! :)

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