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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Welcome Sister Clemente!!

Life is constantly changing - is it not?!
Sister Ross and her family are moving out of the ward- booo :(  and while we will miss her terribly!  we now have the opportunity to welcome in another fantastic leader..... Sister Clemente!  She is the new Counselor over our beautiful Beehives!  She is still helping out in the primary (playing the piano for them) so she hasn't been able to be with us on Sundays but she has jumped in with both feet and was at our Mutual activity last Wednesday!
I "interviewed" her (ok, I sent her a few questions via email! lol) so we could all get to know her a bit more.  Enjoy her replies! (we'll update this with a current photo of her later this week ;)

Tell us something unique about yourself:
Carbonated drinks burn my throat, so I've never drank an entire soda at one time in my life! Growing up, I never got jokes so I would laugh about 5 minutes later, when I got it! One time, I got to interpret (in Spanish) for a priesthood meeting at the MTC because they couldn't find enough brethren who were available! (I didn't serve a mission, but the Missionary Training Center in Provo, UT asked BYU students who spoke different languages to interpret). I would prefer to mow the lawn than to dust my house.

What is something you remember about YW as a girl? 
I think some things never change! I also remember playing broom hockey and making suckers when I was in YW!!! One experience stands out because of one Young Women reaching out to me, and it helped me open up and feel included. As a youth I always loved YW, but I was painfully shy. Right before 11th grade started, we moved to a different city and were in a different ward in our stake (since I grew up in Virginia, one stake was several cities in size). I recognized a girl in my new ward from stake activities, and she was also in my new high school. She just took my under her wing, showed me the ropes at church and school, picked me up for early morning seminary, and invited me to  come with her to cross country practice at school. I did, and although I almost threw up every practice that first week and every meet I attended, I found I enjoyed challenging myself running! Crazy! I met a great group of friends, I learned to enjoy being in social situations, and I will forever be grateful to Laura for reaching out to me. By the way, I still love running! 

What are your talents/hobbies?
Hablo español. (I speak Spanish), I love to play volleyball and run,  I make one Christmas ornament each year based on something our family has done, I love to bake and eat any sweet baked thing, I like to be involved in education, I play the piano and would love to have the time to read! 

If you had a super power, what would it be?   
To fly!!! I would love to soar and swoop and  visit anywhere and everywhere, landing where I wanted.

Do you like Cheesecake?  (you girls know I had to ask this one, right!?) 
I love it! Homemade, from a box, from the Cheesecake Factory--it doesn't matter, I like cheesecake. 

We are so excited to have Sister Clemente in YW!!  I know that she was called by our Heavenly Father to serve with your girls at this time! Let's all be sure to welcome her warmly!!

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